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Santander Airport

Do you have a flight at Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport? Start or finish your guppy rental with freedom thanks to the guppy location that is just a 5-minute walk from the terminal.

You can find 3 exclusive parking spaces for guppy users at the Greywolves Crossfit parking lot.

Do you have a flight at Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport? Start or finish your guppy rental with freedom thanks to the guppy location that is just a 5-minute walk from the terminal.

You can find 3 exclusive parking spaces for Guppy users at the Greywolves Crossfit parking lot.


Check the prices section before renting your vehicle and keep in mind that, if you want to use a Tesla, it is necessary to:

To have at least 1 year of driving license validity.
The vehicle rental implies a deposit of 300€.

Users of Guppy have exclusive parking spaces at Santander Airport.

You arrive at the airport by plane

Open the guppy app when you land and reserve the vehicle that suits you best. You have 20 minutes of free reservation.

Leave the terminal and head towards the Greywolves Crossfit parking lot. Just a short 5-minute walk from the terminal.

Start rental like in any other guppy location.

You go to the airport using guppy

Open the guppy app and check which vehicles are available.

Start the guppy rental that suits you best and head to Santander Airport comfortably.

Finish the rental at our guppy location
at the airport, conveniently situated in the
Greywolves Crossfit parking area. Just
a brief 5-minute walk from the terminal.

Head to the terminal and enjoy your flight.

Do you need help?
If you find the gate closed, or if you have any issues, call:
+34 649 210 756. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

More advantages of guppy

Move comfortably

You can use Guppy freely, without geographical restriction. You can drive and stop wherever you want, but you must finish in a Guppy area or location. Additionally, you can make interprovincial trips between Asturias, Cantabria, Bilbao, and Madrid.

We connect cities with airports

That’s why we’re in more places besides Santander Airport. Find us also at Madrid Airport, Bilbao Airport, and Asturias Airport. Did you know you can get to any of these airports from any guppy location and end your rental without having to return the vehicle? It’s that simple.

Charge the vehicle's battery directly with your guppy app.

Our app offers access to over 14,000 charging locations so you can conveniently charge your guppy from our app… and even pay with guppy balance.

All in one!

Save with bonuses and allocate guppy balance to rentals, daily maximum, charges in the app, or interprovincial rentals.

Take advantage of our Corporate Account.

Is it a business trip? Register your company or organization and the trip will be charged directly to the corporate account. In addition, you will be able to benefit from all the advantages it offers.